
时间:2021-03-04 17:03

You know, this diary is water。

  It's boring.

  We start school on May 11th.

  This morning I:

  Get up as always.

  Change into your school uniform as always.

  As always, carry the bag on your back.

  Get out of the house as always

  As always, walk to the school gate.

  As always, enter the classroom

  Take your temperature as usual.

  As always, harass my honey

  As always, harass my deskmate.

  As always, in math class

  Talk in math class as always.

  As always, the drag

  As always, after class.

  As always, x

  As always, i have chinese lessons. …… (Every detail of today's class is omitted below),

  As always, after school

  Practice the piano as always.

  As always, practice the word

  Draw as always.

  As always, do your homework.

  As always……

  My day is over as usual.